February 2023

Meet Dominika

4 minutes

Name: Dominika
Job Title: Midweight Designer 

The best part of my job is…

“One is that magical feeling towards the end of the project when everything comes together, and you can see the project going live. That's also always really rewarding. And the second thing I find really fulfilling is after every project you do, you get to see how much you've grown and developed.”

How did you start your career in design? 

“I've always considered myself very lucky because I knew I wanted to be a creative ever since I was very little. I started by creating posters and small materials for friends and family, and of course, drawing a lot. That enabled me to explore my passion quite early on and then move to UK to pursue a graphic design degree at UAL ”

What does a typical day look like for you?

“I'm lucky to be able to walk to the office. So I always start my day by listening to an episode of the Patagonia podcast and mentally resetting myself before work. I start my workday by going through emails and checking what needs to be done that day. And then, depending on the day, it's a mix of working on a design project, feedback and brainstorming sessions with the team and client meetings.”

What are the best tools you use?

“As a multidisciplinary designer, I use all of the Adobe Creative Cloud programmes, but my favourite one is Figma.”

What work are you most proud of?

“Last year, I got to both design and build a website for a new skyscraper that is being built in the City of London. It was a very challenging and prestigious project. It definitely topped my list of favourite projects of the year.”

What excites you about the world of design?

“It's constantly changing and responding in real-time to what's happening in the world, and there's never a dull moment. In my spare time, I mentor teenagers who would like to pursue a creative career and love seeing that fresh energy. It makes me excited and hopeful about the future of design”

What do you do to spark inspiration or creativity? 

“My favourite thing is to listen to podcasts, such as Design Matters with Debbie Millman. I also love going to design festivals. They're always so inspiring, and afterwards, I feel like I've kind of emerged a decade into the future, and I can't wait to use the learnings in my work.”

What is the best design book you’ve read? 

“It would be ‘How To’ it's a book by my all-time favourite design hero, Michael Bierut.”

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?

“I am a huge nature lover, and I love spending my time outside hiking through forests and mountains. I do have an ambitious plan to join my parents during their next expedition to the Himalayan.”

What pasta shape would you be?

“It would be Farfalle because they are just such a joy.”

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

“That's easy, pancakes! They have always been my favourite food since I can remember. I eat them a lot, and I still haven't gotten bored of them.”

What’s your favourite line from a movie? 

“That's a tricky one. I used to watch a lot of Disney movies when I was a kid. And, of course, you know, there wasn't such a vast amount of streaming content as there is right now. So we ended up re-watching movies and learning the lines by heart. 
So I think my favourite one is from my favourite kid's movie, Mulan. It's the part when Mushu says ‘Mushu genius’, but it just sounds so much better in Polish.”

What is your karaoke song? 

“I love singing, but I don't really sing in public, and there's a reason for that. But I do love singing Disney songs. Mostly when I'm on a road trip. And when I'm stuck in traffic and embarrassingly notice that the person in the car next to me sees me. That's when I stop.”


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